What is Phishing...?
This is a technique of extracting confidential information such as credit card numbers and username password combos by masquerading as legitimate enterprises. Phishing is technically carried out by email spoofing. You’ve probably received email containing links to legitimate appearing websites. You probably found it suspicious and didn’t click the link. Smart move. The malware would have installed itself on computer and stolen private information. Cyber-criminals use social engineering to trick you into downloading malware off the internet or make you fill your personal information under false pretense. A phishing scam in an email message can b evaded by keeping certain things in mind. Ø Look for spelling mistakes in the text. Cyber-criminals are not known for their grammar and spelling. Ø Hover your cursor over the Hyperlinked URL but don’t click. Check if the address matches with the one written in the message. Ø Watch ...